It's a balancing act! Naredeen celebrates her first Mother’s day!

Naredeen, a woman with a rich tapestry of identities and roles, is adding one more title to her resume, Mother.  This Mother’s Day, Naredeen shares her hopes for all working mothers to be embraced for the unique skills and perspectives they bring to the table through inclusive and diverse work environments. “It is inspiring to see a company that prioritizes the principles of inclusivity and belonging for working moms.” – Naredeen Mikhaiel

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Blending Design with Motherhood & Making Career Changes - with Kathy Rice

A parenting life, a professional career and how that blends together. Kathy Rice, Senior Project Designer at One Line shares how a mother of 2 she has found her way through these two worlds, remained dedicated to both, and knew when it was time to make career changes. There are always ways to make a career work for you and your family. When you have a passion for what you do, you will find ways to adapt.

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Spotlight on One-Liners | Getting to know Kendall

Joining the team, Kendall Temotio as Creative Strategist, a title that encompasses so many things and one we felt allowed her skills to soar and bring her passion to the design table.

More importantly, as a person Kendall shows us how to do it all, switching from work mode, to artist, to mother like a chameleon, always engaged in her surroundings. There is so much more to her than we could share in some words, but we will sure try.

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