Leaders Always Learning | Part I | Perception + Intentionality

Leadership is ever-evolving and a fluid process. There is always room for growth, learning from other leaders and peers. We can even learn from those we are leading. As an example, co-founder Karrie Drinkhahn, dives into a ULI curriculum-based 8-month program to cultivate leadership development and engagement with other emerging industry professionals.

One Line Design Studio, Co-Founder, Karrie Drinkhahn was selected for ULI Michigan's annual Larson Center for Leadership - a curriculum-based program designed to train and mentor the next generation of real estate and land use leaders. Karrie will be participating in this 8-month program cultivating leadership development and engagement with other emerging leaders. This multi-part blog will be highlighting her experience throughout this journey - because our One Line Leaders are always learning, and value continued professional growth.

The cohort kickoff in October was focused on introductions to the program, its founders, fellow participants and what to expect in the coming months.  Not only are there skills to be learned throughout the process, but also life-long professional relationships built with your class and industry peers.  Leaders know that strong working partners are just one key to success in a career and the program makes sure to focus on this.

“The second day-long workshop in November included activities and insight with Kris Marsh Consulting. The goal was to help us understand how we think we are perceived individually by our peers now and what we can intentionally do to evolve our personal brands over the next year along with a “personal brand playbook” to work on moving ourselves, and ultimately our firm, forward,” notes Karrie.

“As a Co-Founder of our boutique firm as well as holding former principal level positions in Art Consulting and Design, I have been in the ‘leadership’ ranks for over 15 years. My roles and responsibilities within those titles, albeit different, had the same common denominator when it came to leadership. Being a leader is about communication, listening, empowering your team, and remembering that the best leaders know that you cannot be the best at all aspects of your job.  Rather you focus on hiring the strongest talent and putting them in positions to succeed – for themselves and for your firm.  This is something Susan, my co-founder of One Line, and I have made an intentional key ingredient to our core firm culture and growth. 

This exercise however, brought it back to me personally, to ask the question how I am perceived now, and how I want to be perceived by my industry colleagues and team.  Surprisingly, I found it not easy to decipher as a co-founder and designer, when your personal and firm brands blend together so often.  This exercise ultimately reminded me, keeping myself personally on point and intentionally evolving my leadership style/brand is the starting point to continual growth and future success.” Karrie explains

A few key messages that resonated with Karrie from this activity and personal brand playbook include:

·       Being intentional with the evolution of your personal brand, has a direct impact on your leadership

·       Developing your core values, attributes, and strategic goals are essential for both your personal brand and helping others develop a brand – just like the Golden Rule.

·       Branding is key to directing the intended message to your audience and the success of any brand.

·       Never underestimate the power of leadership and branding success.

As an Interior Design firm we are currently working on building a holistic brand for a café to be implemented across the country. Like any business/commercial brand, consistency and these same key messages listed above are paramount to its success. The essence of building a brand is the same for you as a leader, your personal brand and also while developing new branding for others. 

About ULI - Larson Center for Leadership

About One Line

Source: Leaders Always Learning, Part 1