Empowered Women, Empower Creative Women

“From the moment I meet someone I can see the beauty I know I am able to capture.” Says Michelle Citrin, the talented portrait photography behind the lens of our founders photos.

These images were the first impression we used to launch our company back in March, so we needed them to tell our story with a quick glance. WE ARE two women who founded our interior design studio in an industry that we individually excel in and know very well, but we needed to portray that we are now a single unit.

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Taking the first step...


What can we say, we did it.

We are here, officially launched, and sharing One Line Design Studio with the world.  Like anyone else who has ever followed their dreams, taken a leap of faith, or the plunge into the world of entrepreneurship - they say it is the hardest and most courageous step in the process.  Oprah says it...so it must be true!

“You’ve got to follow your passion. You’ve got to figure out what it is you love–who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams.” ― Oprah Winfrey

We have a myriad of reasons as to why we pursued starting our own firm - both personally and professionally.  

Ultimately, it comes down to both of us being at a crossroads in our lives and the desire to focus on our passion & expertise with design.  To make an impact on people’s emotions and the feeling that comes from a well-designed space is important to us. It’s not just the visual effect. It is that invisible feeling you experience and the memories created in these spaces that we aim to bring to our clients.

With a dash of  “perfect timing” for both of us, we were just two friends, talking on the phone - not about work at all. The next thing you know we are brainstorming ideas, throwing around firm names, and 'One Line' was born. It was that simple. Our hope is that the next steps in our journey are that authentic.  Although, we are under no illusion that it will be easy, but we know it will be worth it.

For ourselves.
For our families.
For our clients.

We hope you will join us on our journey.  One project at a time, we are thrilled to be launching One Line Design Studio and look forward to taking the next steps with all of you, together.


Your Co-Founders
Karrie Drinkhahn & Susan LaFleur

About One Line

One Line  is a full-service interior design firm located in Miami, Florida and Detroit, Michigan. Our Co-Founders bring their collective 35+ years of extensive experience, offering a fresh approach to the evolving landscape of interior design and project management expectations.

We have developed a strong foundation based on the strength of our creative capital, approaching each project through the authenticity of our teams’ collective lens.  It is the fusion of these dynamic creative minds that drives our approach to every project we work on, and our firm.