Blending Design with Motherhood & Making Career Changes - with Kathy Rice

A parenting life, a professional career and how that blends together. Kathy Rice, Senior Project Designer at One Line shares how a mother of 2 she has found her way through these two worlds, remained dedicated to both, and knew when it was time to make career changes. There are always ways to make a career work for you and your family. When you have a passion for what you do, you will find ways to adapt.

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Visual Storytelling as a Way of Life - with Katy Fetrow - Part II

A story is told without words. Katy’s creative background teaches us the difference between interior design and set design. Time and space do not always act logically so I find it requires more of one’s intuition, asking how does it make one feel. Design for a theatrical production walks a fine line of what is visible and what is invisible. Good set design encourages the audience to fill in the blanks.

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Visual Storytelling as a Way of Life - with Katy Fetrow - Part I

A story is told without words, through the lens of interior design and set design professional, Katy Fetrow. Katy’s creative background shows how visual storytelling is an important part of communication. Architecture is a form of visual storytelling. The built environment can capture a visual and spatial link that reveres the past, fits present requirements, and is adaptable for future growth.

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Boutique Firm Culture | Interview with One Liner, Jason Valentin

We interviewed our very own Project Designer, Jason Valentin. After 1 year around the sun as a One Liner, Jason had a bit of experience to share working for our Boutique Interior Design firm. Jason has been in the field for over 6 years and worked for large design firms across Florida and on notable Multifamily and Hospitality projects. We asked Jason what its been like working for a Boutique firm.

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