Boutique Firm Culture | Interview with One Liner, Jason Valentin

We interviewed our very own Project Designer, Jason Valentin. After 1 year around the sun as a One Liner, Jason had a bit of experience to share working for our Boutique Interior Design firm. Jason has been in the field for over 6 years and worked for large design firms across Florida and on notable Multifamily and Hospitality projects. We asked Jason what its been like working for a Boutique firm.

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ICU Nurses’ art spreads hope & wellness on Mother’s Day

The name of the art ‘Count Your Blessings’ by Julien Kerr was just that for our Co-Founder, Susan. Strolling through the
Coconut Art Grove Art Festival in Spring 2017, these abstract works caught her attention and she stared at them intently. As she looks closer, she sees the paint as individual droplets. White paint on white paper, so simple, so pure. Susan had been struggling with infertility for over 2 years and at that singular moment she felt peace and instantly cried. Art has always given so much joy to Susan, her home filled with original artwork from around the world.

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Getting 'In The Loop' with Kelly Reemtsen

“People often tell me they see themselves when they see my artwork, and I humbly tap myself on the shoulder and feel I have accomplished my goal.” claims Kelly Reemtsen, the talented artist who creates elaborate depictions of the
modern-day woman adorned in designer dresses and clasping heavy duty equipment.

This could not have been truer for our One Line Founders, Karrie and Susan, who were immediately drawn to Kelly’s work, and what it meant to them.

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